Youth Fellowship
Sunday School | 9:45 a.m. | 2nd Floor
Bible Study | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Willingham Center
Wednesday Nights:
Dinner | 5:30 | Fellowship Hall
Activities | 6 -7 | Willingham Center
About Us
We are made up of 6th - 12th graders from a variety of school systems. We love spending time together and have worked hard to create a relaxed atmosphere where students and leaders alike feel safe. Youth Sunday School meets on the 2nd Floor of the main church building on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. During the school year, we meet at Willingham Center for dinner and Bible Study on Sunday evenings from 5:30 - 7:30. On Wednesdays at 5:30, we meet in the Fellowship Hall for dinner with the congregation. After dinner we go to Willingham Center for fellowship/hangout/activities until 7 p.m. All middle and high school students are welcome!
Instagram: @fultonumyf
Facebook: Fulton First United Methodist Youth
For more info, contact Interim Youth Director Casey Jones.
We take a variety of trips throughout the year and like to celebrate even the smallest things! Along with our fun trips, we take bi-annual trips to LakeShore Methodist Retreat Center in the fall and spring to fellowship with our fellow churches and friends. We also have the opportunity to regularly serve our community at the Ken-Tenn Food Bank as well as other service projects throughout the year.
Instagram: @fultonumyf
Facebook: Fulton First United Methodist Youth
For more info, contact Interim Youth Director Casey Jones.
Come, join us! You are welcome here!
Mission Trip 2022
Students and chaperones traveled to Nashville to work with various organizations on a mission to end poverty in its many different forms. A trip highlight video may be viewed below. Thank you for your support of this opportunity for the UMYF to be the hands and feet of Jesus!