Mission & Outreach
Thanksgiving at the Ken-Tenn Foodbank
Coffee Shop meets Mondays & Thursdays, 8-10 a.m. at Willingham Center. All are invited! Donations benefit various ministries and mission organizations.
If your group is interested in housing at Willingham Center or use of the facility for an event, please click the link below and complete the Willingham Center Use Request Form.
Fulton First UMC’s Neighborhood Assistance Program helps our neighbors by providing utility payment assistance as well as helping with other needs which may arise. Applications are taken in the Church Office from 9 - 4:30, Monday - Friday. Levels of assistance are determined by need and availability of funds. Funding is provided solely by the church congregation through the Power of One offering. For information, please call or stop by the Church Office. 270-472-3514 | 200 Carr St. (2nd Street Entrance), Fulton, KY 42041
The Prayer Shawl Group meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, 2:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Prayer Shawls are presented near and far to those in need of comfort. All are invited to join us!
United Women in Faith, formerly United Methodist Women, are women of the church who are dedicated to mission work. Fulton First United Methodist Church has a unit of approximately 40 women. We’re involved with ministry and mission work.
The UWF’s missions include sewing teddy bears for kids, making pecan pies for new members and visitors, and assisting with programs at the church (bereavement dinners, church clean-up days, etc.). Some of our members are also part of the Church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry.
We also have our annual Bake Sale and Soup and Sandwich Luncheon as fund raisers. These fund raisers allow us to support various local ministries such as Twin Cities Care, Twin Cities Men’s Organization (TCMO), and other ministries such as Reelfoot Rural Ministries.
Want more information on these activities? We’d love to have you join us! We welcome all ages – we all have something to contribute! Just contact Dorothy Bush for more information at 270-472-2083.
The UMM meets the first Saturday of each month at 8 a.m. for breakfast, a devotional, fellowship, and a work project. We support many mission projects to which we donated over $1500 this year. The money for these projects is made through the sale of scrap metal. We also support the community garden so that the citizens of Fulton can have access to fresh vegetables. Join us!
FFUMC Local Mission Partners
Ken-Tenn Food Bank on Facebook
*Please check the Facebook page regularly for distribution dates, as there may be unavoidable changes in the schedule. From time to time, we have bonus distributions of surplus items. Those dates are posted on the Facebook page as well.
Additional Mission Partners
We are also blessed to support the following ministries on a regular basis:
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Lakeshore Camp & Retreat Center
The Wesley Foundations of UT Martin and Murray State University